I have worked in the wellness industry officially for 7 years this September as a trauma informed nutritionist over at Spiced Life Conversation, LLC. I've worked in the mental health and substance abuse field since 2008 as a pastoral counselor serving as marriage and family counselor, life planning and career coach for the youth and as a master level individual and family trauma informed behavior health therapist, substance abuse counselors and clinical case manager. I created the GuttyGirl Lifestyle brand in 2016 as I transition into working in the wellness field and I have been interested in the wellness industry since my early 20s but took a health scare and emotional eating disorder relapse to push me forward. Over here at Sage by spiced life conversation, LLC I help business owners keep their office clean and as well as help people achieve their dream of home ownership as a loan signing agent. Overall, my brand in all my businesses including my outreach The Light of Day Inc which is were 10% of the proceed from GuttyGirl Lifestyle goes all involved wellness and self care.
Awesome for those busy business owners who want to save time.
Designed for individuals putting self care at the forefront of their demanding lives, as well as corporations wanting to support their employees’ wellbeing in a tangible and meaningful way.
Great For Botanical Herb and Avon Lovers
For $15.00 a month, you can enjoy a sampling of Avon must-have, core products like makeup, skincare, fragrance and personal care that are generally worth between $15 and $25! I will curate it with an assortment of full-size products and samples are delivered right to your door so you can experience a mixture of some of the amazing discoveries from Avon along with my own herbal line a botanic collection of detoxification bath products, aura sprays, sage candles, and make a wish abundance jars.
12 Boxes per year
We believe self-love is essential. This belief inspired us to create our monthly Ritual subscription box! Each month you will receive a mix of 5-7 products categorized under bath & body, skin care, hair care, tea, aromatherapy, candles, ritual tools, and more. All dedicated to self-care. Curated to align with the seasons, zodiac and holidays. Simply by taking the time, to be present and pamper, you have given yourself a gift.
The Cost: $15 per month.
Prices is for a full year subscription for $180.00 plus each month shipping price. Subscribe here!
About This Box: Everyone deserves a little pampering and spoiling from time to time, and GuttyGirl Wellness Box does just that. Our self care ritual box nurtures positivity and good vibes only.
This yearly subscription box sends subscribers the latest and greatest in beauty, skincare, body care, detoxification bath herbs and wellness each season.
With three (sometimes you'll get more!) full-size products, ranging from cleansers to lotions in every box, each month subscribers are delivered a holistic experience with a retail value of $125 or more.
Shipping: Worldwide, prices vary. Ships to the U.S. for free; $14.99 to Canada and $19.99 to all other international countries.
Thank you in advance for considering to join GuttyGirl Wellness Box Yearly Subscription Box Service! If you have have questions or issues, know that I’m only an email, call or text message away. Call or text me at 334.590.3274 Email: espirabyavon@yahoo.com. Be sure to leave a voicemail message and I’ll get back to you within 48 hrs. Text response quicker due to my busy day with clients.
Please Support Our Outreach. Other links to the GuttyGirl Brand
More products for Avon Lovers Visit this link.
Thank You For Your Support!